Strabismus Surgery Post-Operative Care Instructions

  • Tobradex eye drops: Place 1 drop in the operated eye(s) 3x daily.
  • Tobradex ointment: Place a small amount in the operated eye(s) at bedtime.
  • Note: The drops and the ointment are the same and can be used interchangeably if one is preferred over the other.
  • An analgesic with an anti-inflammatory (e.g. panado syrup for children under 1, lotum syrup for
    children 1-12 years of age and myprodol for adults) should be taken regularly for 36 hours to
    help with the healing process and then used as necessary thereafter.

  • Cold compresses can be used for 15min/hour for 36 hours while awake.

  • No swimming for 10 days.
  • Regular activities (if in doubt ask your doctor).
  • Follow up in 1 – 2 weeks.
  • Parents/Patient to email if the operated eye(s) gets more red or swollen or painful after 36.