DO NOT remove the eye shield for 24 hours.
- Please ensure that the eye is not touched or rubbed, this can compromise the outcome and can lead to complications. (if necessary hands should be restrained by placing socks over them)
- Keep the shield on 24 hours a day for 1 week and then at night only for a further week. The eye shield should be partially removed when putting the drops or ointment in
Tobradex eye drops: Place 1 drop in the operated eye(s) 3x daily.
Tobradex ointment: Place a small amount in the operated eye(s) at bedtime.
An analgesic should be taken regularly for 36 hours to help with the healing process and then
used as necessary thereafter.No swimming for 2 weeks
Light activity for 2 weeks (if in doubt ask your doctor).
Follow up THE FOLLOWING DAY and then as determined by your doctor
Parents/Patient to call if the operated eye(s) gets more red or swollen or painful